Sun. Feb 23rd, 2025
air conditioner

Our air conditioning saves our lives during the hot weather, and it is almost impossible to spend a summer day without turning it on.

However, you notice that your air conditioner has been losing power for several days, and that the projected air is not as cold as usual.

  1. You have a feeling that something is wrong.
  2. Your air conditioner no longer cools, and that’s a disaster!
  3. What to do in these conditions?
  4. Your air conditioner shows signs of fatigue, and no longer cools your room as before?
  5. In this article, we give you 5 tips to remedy this, and spend a cool summer.

1) A clogging problem

An air conditioner that loses its power and no longer produces enough cold is surely clogged.

It is very important to ensure the proper maintenance of your air conditioning system, both at the air inlets and outlets.

Over time, dust, pollen and other volatile outdoor elements accumulate and end up clogging the vents, which affects the proper functioning of your air conditioning.

The solution : very easy, do not hesitate to remove the cover protecting the air filters, and clean them with a clean cloth and lukewarm water, while ensuring that they

If you have disposable filters, it will simply be a matter of replacing them.

Never wait too long before changing them, to avoid air conditioning that smells bad!

With these little cleaning tips, you will have a device that will last you much longer, with all its power from the beginning.

2) Compressor failure

The compressor of a heat pump or an air conditioner, is an electrical system that compresses the refrigerant (which cools the ambient hot air) and allows, in a compression/expansion cycle, to produce a heat transfer of side to side of a refrigeration circuit.

Basically, it is the process that allows refrigerant gas to turn warm air into cold air.

This compressor has thermal protection and sometimes it may be faulty for X or Y reasons.

You then find yourself with lukewarm air, not really solicited in these times of great heat.

Solution : start by turning off your device, so as to let the compressor cool down.

If, however, the outgoing air still remains lukewarm, we recommend that you call a refrigeration/heating engineer directly.

If your air conditioning unit is still under warranty, do not hesitate to contact the brand’s after-sales service.

3) Leakage of refrigerant gas

The mode of operation of a mobile air conditioner is simple: a refrigerant liquid (or gas) takes care of transforming, via a compressor, the hot air into cold air.

It could then be that your air conditioning problem is due to an internal gas leak.

Because yes, unlike the air conditioning of a car for example, the gas in an air conditioner cannot be recharged, it is inexhaustible.

So it is very likely that if he loses his gas, there is a leak.

Solution : do not intervene alone, because this refrigerant gas is very harmful to your health. Do not hesitate to make an appointment with an experienced professional, who will troubleshoot and solve your problem.

4) Hermetization of the house to be reviewed

For an air conditioning system to work efficiently and to its full potential, it is important that its environment is completely sealed, to avoid any loss of freshness.

To do this, you can do simple tests in your home, for example by running your air conditioner with all the windows and doors closed.

If this proves effective, then you know that you will have to adopt these reflexes of closing rooms throughout the summer.

However, you notice that this is not enough, and that you still cannot feel any freshness.

Poor hermeticity at the level of the windows (especially when it is a question of single glazing);

Low overall insulation of the house ;

An air conditioning unit that has too low a number of BTU/h (the cooling power is too low, compared to the room which is too large);

In the case of a portable air conditioner, the window or the vent pipe is not well caulked , and we lose the flow of fresh air.

Solutions : for the openings (windows, ventilation pipe, doors, etc.), do not hesitate to review and reinforce all the frames so that there is no loss of freshness.

As for the cooling power, you can either ask for a quote from a professional, who will determine if the capacity of your air conditioner is well proportioned to the square footage of your room.

5) Check the power supply

The lack of cold air in your air conditioner may simply be caused by a poor power supply.

If you notice in your electric meter that the fuse or circuit breaker blows every time you turn on your air conditioner, you will have to change it first, to make sure that the failure does not come from there.

If the problem persists, your device may be overheating.

Solutions : do not hesitate to inspect the condition of your fuse, as well as your power cable. This can be cut or melted, and thus cause the failure of your device.

If these are all fine, but the problem persists, your device may be overheating.

In this case, turn it off for at least 24 hours and try again the next day. If despite your good will, nothing helps, call a repairman, while leaving the device unplugged.

Have your air conditioner checked regularly to avoid breakdowns

Having your air conditioner inspected regularly is the key to preventing possible breakdowns, insofar as these are not due to an electrical malfunction.

Even if bringing in a convenience store can represent a cost, you will gain peace of mind, while offering the

By admin

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